Rock Climbing Courses in Spain in English
Rock Climbing Courses in Spain in English with Bigtime Aventura!
Climbing on Rocks?
Rock climbing is an incredible activity. It is one of the most addictive outdoor activities in the world. The feeling of accomplishment that you get when you reach the top of a climb that you thought was impossible can be overwhelmingly satisfying. It's a feeling that you crave more and more. Climbing is an activity that draws you in and gives back to you what you put into it.
The beauty of rock climbing is several fold, it's mostly an individual activity, it's you and the rock and there's not much else. That's part of the beauty, it's very tranquil and you have to be very in the moment. While climbing you forget about all of your worries back in the real world, the stress of your job and your life in general is gone for a little while. It's an incredible way to relieve stress and feel good about yourself again. The personal accomplishment is unlike anything that you've probably experienced before.
One of the most enjoyable parts about rock climbing is that you get to visit some spectacular natural places. Most of the places that you go rock climbing are places that you probably wouldn't visit for any other reason except to climb on the rocks. That also makes it worthwhile, just getting away from the big crowds and getting back to a simple life, if just for a brief moment or day.
At Bigtime Aventura, we offer beginner, intermediate, and advanced courses. Whatever you want to learn about rock climbing we can teach you!
Learn how to:
- set up a top rope
- clip quickdraws for sport climbing
- place traditional gear
- evaluate fixed gear such as bolts and pitons
- understand how rock climbing equipment works
- build safe top rope, sport, and traditional anchors
- rope management on single pitch and multi-pitch climbs
- anchor management on multi-pitch climbs
- improve your climbing movement and efficiency skills
- train specifically for climbing
- improve your mental and psychological approach
- aid climbing
- rope soloing
- self-rescue
- and many more skills to help you improve your climbing, knowledge, and physical and psychological abilities while outside on the rock.
Whatever you are looking for we have you covered.
PleaseĀ contact us to set up a personalized course now!