Top Roping Costa Blanca Spain

top roping costa blanca spain
Top Roping Costa Blanca Spain

Top roping Costa Blanca Spain is a wonderful experience. The video in this blog is from the second day of a four day multi-adventure vacation trip. During the other days we did canyoning, coasteering, and via ferrata. Click on the links to read about those activities and watch videos of this adventurous couple during their vacation with Bigtime Aventura. If you're interested in these activities and/or other outdoor adventures contact us at any time to create your own customized multi-day, multi-adventure guided active vacation.

The Costa Blanca is a mountainous region, where rugged limestone mountains meet the sea. The special geology of this area is impressive even to the beach goers. For the outdoor adventure seeker the topography creates many locations to enjoy active vacations. The Costa Blanca affords all types of outdoor adventures, such as rock climbing, canyoning, via ferrata, hiking, coasteering, and ridge climbing.

The Costa Blanca region of Mediterranean Spain is a major European holiday destination. With plentiful sunshine and miles of pristine beaches and coves, it is one of Europe's premier tourist areas. Yes, there are many hotels, restaurants, and bars but the Costa Blanca really excels in its potential for active tourism. With all the mountainous terrain, there are hundreds of places for rock climbing in the Costa Blanca. Climbing conditions are excellent because this is a dry region of Spain. The Mediterranean climate provides quite stable year-round weather therefore rock climbing is possible all year in the Costa Blanca.

Top Roping Costa Blanca Spain, beginning rock climbing

Top roping is a type of rock climbing where the rope is placed in an anchor at the top of the cliff. The climber ties a knot on one end of the rope and then connects the rope to his harness. The other person secures the rope while the climber goes up the cliff. Top rope climbing is considered the safest form of rock climbing because when applied correctly there is little to zero fall potential for the climber. Of course, it is very important to learn how to properly secure the rope. Once you master this technique then you can start to enjoy climbing and trust the person securing the rope below. This allows the climber to focus on climbing.

We spent a full day climbing the cliffs next to the Mediterranean Sea. The couple really enjoyed climbing in the sunshine and the beautiful views along the coastline. They even learned a few climbing techniques along the way. It was a great day out in a special setting with a wonderful couple.

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